Your Go-to Source
I’ve always believed in the old saying that we must live life to the fullest. This is what God wants us to do with our lives here on earth for the short times that we are here. We are meant to live peacefully with each other.
spiritualpursuits.com serves as a vessel to share ways to live in accordance with what our purposes are here on this little blue planet we call home.
About This Week
I’m so glad you’ve arrived. spiritualpursuits.com is where I share with you what interests me most about what God is speaking to us about this week. I hope you enjoy my site and all of the unique content I create. We all need something to motivate us. It is a "Work-in-Progress" activity right now but come back to take a look around and witness the new content that will be appearing. Perhaps you’ll discover the relaxation that you have been searching for just to make it through the day. Are you ready to be enlightened with the answers that escape you?
Let’s Connect
Everyone Goes to Heaven
2304 MacArthur
Victoria, TX 77901
This week's scripture is John 14:1-14 and the focus is that Jesus is the way to the Father.
Jesus tells his disciples, " “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you know me, you will know my Father also. From now on you do know him and have seen him.”